阿伦 LT60 履带式 沥青混凝土摊铺机
LT 系列 履带式/轮胎式沥青混凝土摊铺机是我公司在引进国外先进技术的基础上,通过 30 多年的创新发展,开发生产的具有
LT 系列履带式/轮胎式沥青混凝土摊铺机采用先进的双层液压延伸熨平板和自动找平装置,具有较高的摊铺平整度和密实
With more than 30 years of innovation and development, crawler / wheel asphalt pavers reaches international advanced level
based on technology transferred from abroad. The machine is used to pave asphalt for highway, urban road, plaza, and parking lots etc .
It is the ideal machine for road construction.
The machine is equipped with hydraulical extension dual-layer screed and automatic leveling unit and can achieve good roads
flatness and high density. The wearable parts are made from advanced wear resistance material to ensure durability.
● 先进的设计和优化的配置,满足各等级公路沥青的施工要求;
● 配置国内品牌优质发动机,动力强劲、可靠,油耗、噪声、振动小,低温起动性能优越;
● 左右输分料独立操纵,可拆卸式高耐磨材料的螺旋叶片更换方便;
● 高精度自动找平仪对路面的平整度提供可靠的保证;
● 独特的双层熨平板结构,熨平板可无级伸缩,方便改变铺层宽度的摊铺工作,减少变更熨平板宽度的拼装时间,底板采用世界
● 集中润滑系统可以向所有高温部位轴承加注润滑脂,提高了输、分料传动的可靠性,降低了施工人员对设备保养的劳动强度;
● 燃油电动清洗系统使清洗方便快捷,减少劳动强度和保养时间;
● 电器系统工艺技术先进,所有受控元件和电线连接都根据电路图的编号数字编出,以便迅速查找故障并排除。
● Advanced design & optimized configuration, operable for paving graded roads' surface.
● China made brand engine, powerful, low fuel consumption, low noise and high reliability and cold-starting.
● Independent feeding drive at LH & RH, removable and high-wearable auger blade for easy replacement.
● High-accuracy auto. Leveling sensors ensure mat’s surface flatness.
● Unique dual-layer and stepless-extension screed changes paving width easily, screed bottom plate uses international advanced
wearable material.
● Centralized lubrication system, charging lubricating grease to all high temperature bearings for machine reliability.
● Fuel-electrodynamic cleaning system supplies convenient operation.
● Electrical system has advanced progress technology, all controlled elements and wirings are numbered as per circuit diagram for fast
trouble shooting.